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Dec. 13 2023
Chelsea was a bright young vet student like they all are. She was spending most of her Christmas break at our practice getting some hands-on learning to add to her education
Dec. 12 2023
Using technology to understand fertility in dairy cowsRonaldo Cerri, University of British Columbia
Dec. 11 2023
For dairy milk consumers, low fat and fat-free varieties have long been a popular choice, but advancing research gives good reason for consumers to include full-fat dairy products in their healthy eating...
Dec. 11 2023
Animal agriculture has become an easy scapegoat for people concerned about the warming global climate
Dec. 11 2023
What dairy farmers should be concerned about is the amount of strain a cow is under
Dec. 11 2023
While still historically strong, U.S. dairy exports this year are down from 2022’s record year, largely because of weaker global demand coupled with rebounded global supply
Dec. 8 2023
Over the past five years, considerable efforts have been made to improve dairy producers’ financial stability through enhancements in Dairy Margin Coverage and the introduction of Dairy Revenue Protection...
Dec. 8 2023
The latest dairy news from our nation's capitol
Dec. 8 2023
This month’s tri-annual genetic evaluations have been released, and they feature important updates for both the industry at large and individual breeds
Dec. 6 2023
This week, the Council on Dairy Cattle Breeding (CDCB) published updated genetic evaluations for 50 traits and four selection indexes for more than 81.5 million dairy animals
Dec. 6 2023
Leaders from almost 200 countries around the world are currently gathering in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, for the United Nations’ (UN) 28th Conference of the Parties (COP28) climate change conference
Dec. 6 2023
Many dairy producers and their nutritionists are facing a mixed bag of forage quality this season
Dec. 6 2023
Americans’ love for cheese continues to grow, as last year was another record-breaking year in terms of per capita cheese consumption
Dec. 4 2023
Reproduction in dairy cattle has come a long way in recent decades. Herds regularly reach pregnancy rates much better than previous generations
Dec. 4 2023
In the U.S. dairy genetic evaluations that will be published on Tuesday, December 5, three changes have been implemented — all involving the use of haplotypes
Dec. 4 2023
So often when we discuss mental health in agriculture, the suicide statistics are cited, and the stresses of the job are rehashed
Dec. 4 2023
“Global milk supplies are tight. Exports are where it’s at,” said Gregg Doud, the new president and CEO of the National Milk Producers Federation (NMPF)
Nov. 30 2023
It likely seems odd to many of us to eat a bowlful of macaroni and cheese that doesn’t feature at least one form of real dairy cheese, but a major food company will soon be putting such a product...
Nov. 30 2023
Hypocalcemia on dairy farms is not a new problem; we know that most cows have a low blood calcium concentration after calving. How we manage and treat these animals has changed over time
Nov. 30 2023
Not all cows react the same way to the same environment or action. There are slight physiological, genetic, and maintenance variations that cause some animals to thrive where others struggle